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A Study on Li Ding-Yuan’s Ryukyu Jiyu
作者 林慶勳
In 1800, Li Ding-yuan was appointed as Ryukyu-ce-feng-fu-shi. With Zhao Wen-kai, Ryukyu-ce-feng-zheng-shi, Li was dispatched to Ryukyu and conferred a title upon King of Zhong-Shan Shang-Wen. Afterwards, Li composed Shi-Ryukyu-ji and a poetry collection entitled Shi-zhu-zhai-ji, which possess considerable merit as historical materials while recording the experiences on his diplomatic mission in Ryukyu. Shi-Ryukyu-ji was narrated in a form of diary entries, and its content was completely different from that revealed in the format of Shi Ryukyu-lu, which were the submitted records documented by ordinary ce-feng officials upon their return to China. Li Ding-yuan’s compilation of Qiu-ya was mentioned throughout Shi-Ryukyu-ji; however, Qiu-ya was eventually transcribed by Weng Shu-kun, Weng Feng-gang’s sixth son, and handed down for generations under the title of Ryukyu-yi. The book consists of 3,105 entries of Ryukyu-ji-yu, recording the most amount of Ryukyu-ji-yu, so its documentary merit should not be under estimated. With a focus on a comprehensive analysis of Li’s compiling work of Qiu-ya, this article discusses on the process how Li Ding-yuan strenuously collected and compiled Ryukyu-ji-yu while it also commentaries on Ryukyu-yu. The article includes six sections: I. Introduction; II. Ryukyu-yi, originally entitled Qiu-ya by Li Ding-yuan; III. Qiu-ya as the compilation of Ryukyu-yi; IV. The compiling process of Ryukyu-yi 'Qiu-ya'; V. Li Ding-yuan's other documentary records related to Ryukyu-yu; VI. Conclusion.
起訖頁 241-262
關鍵詞 冊封使寄語帝國意識琉球語記音漢字ce-feng-shiji-yuShi- Ryukyu-luRyukyu-yuChinese characters for articulation
刊名 政大中文學報  
期數 201006 (13期)
出版單位 國立政治大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 〈柞伯鼎〉銘文剩義
該期刊-下一篇 現代中國文學理念的多重緣起




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