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Empire Consciousness and Kang Youwei’s Nanyang Han Poetry
作者 高嘉謙
This paper aims to examine Kang Youwei’s Han poetry which he produced in his exile in Nanyang and attempts to sketch out the way his Han poetry emerged as an archetype of traumatic writing in Nanyang poetics. Kang Youwei was a key advisor and reformer of the late Qing Dynasty but later fled into exile after the historical events of the year in 1898 . During his 16-year exile, he made a grand tour on four continents and ardently advocated Confucianism abroad, which enabled him to come to be a cultural and political symbol abroad. Furthermore, as a typical exiled poet, he produced a large amount of poetry in exile, which even outnumbered those he composed in any other period of his life. His abundant Han poetry during the time of exile, therefore, can very well be considered as a reflection of the Peregrination, of his consciousness of the empire and of his cultural imagination. On the basis of the study of Kang Youwei’s Han poetry he produced in Nanyang, the following questions will be addressed: How Kang Youwei mobilized Confucianism and empire imagination in his exile in Nanyang? How he dealt with the exile of the empire as well as his personal exile? How he made use of Han poetry to depict historical changes and the collapse of a dynasty and a culture? How his poems constitute the writing ideology and cultural imagination in Nanyang poetics?
起訖頁 195-223
關鍵詞 康有為南洋漢詩謝鯤孔教創傷現代性Kang YouweiNanyang Han PoetryEmpire ConsciousnessConfucianismTraumatic Modernity
刊名 政大中文學報  
期數 201006 (13期)
出版單位 國立政治大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 中國文學中的臥遊──想像中的山水
該期刊-下一篇 〈柞伯鼎〉銘文剩義




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