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The Profile of Those who Bungled the Nation — the Planning and Strategies of the Xie Family in Eastern Jin Dynasty for Using Qingtan to Lead the Family Reputation up the Ladder
作者 劉浩洋
“Qingtan” is a unique cultural phenomenon of the Wei-Jin period. It is not only an academic activity but also a social activity. However, present researches on Qingtan are unfolded from the perspectives of political history and academic history, instead of social observations, to investigate the influences of Qingtan on the social contact of Wei-Jin scholars. Based on the above, this study used the example of the Xie family thrived in Chen Commandery during Eastern Jin Dynasty to describe the series of elaborate planning and strategies that this rich and powerful family of high representativeness in the history of Qingtan used to win its reputation progressively through participating in the Qingtan activities prevalent in social circles at that time, obtain official positions by using its reputation under the unique talent selection system of family monopolized society, perform deeds of merit by using its official positions, and eventually raise its family reputation by resorting to its exploits. In this study, the endlessly controversial issue of “pure theories and talks without action will get the nation into trouble” was re-examined by investigating this kind of social phenomena in which Qingtan is used to increase the social status of families. In addition, the study indicated that Qingtan bungled the nation mainly because the social nature of Qingtan was deeply entangled with scholars’ access to official positions.
起訖頁 151-175
關鍵詞 魏晉清談學術考察謝安教育Wei-JinQingtanXie KunXie AnEducation
刊名 政大中文學報  
期數 201006 (13期)
出版單位 國立政治大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 田野中的經史學家──顧頡剛學術考察事業中的古跡古物調查活動
該期刊-下一篇 中國文學中的臥遊──想像中的山水




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