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A Classic-historianinthefields: The ActivitiesofInvestigation of Antiquitiesin Ku Chieh-kang’s Career of Academic Exploration
作者 車行健
Despite being famous for his work of researching Chinese ancient history, Ku Chieh-kang always laid stress on the activities of academic exploration which had to go out the den and stride towards the fields, and he did practice what he emphasized in his academic life. During 1918 to 1945, he joined the activities of investigation or the trips with the characteristics of investigation at least sixty-six times; especially, between the autumn of 1929 when he went back to Beijing from Guangzhou to take up a post at the department of history of Yanching University and the eve of July 7th Incident of 1937 when he fled to western–north China to keep away from the battle, his career of academic exploration climaxed in the eight years. He personally participated in investigative activities twenty times in total in that period, that is, he went to the fields to do research two point five times a year on average. During the period, the focus of his career of academic exploration had transferred from folk research to the investigation of antiquities and frontier history and geography. This paper is aimed at researching the activities of investigation of antiquities in Ku Chieh-kang’s career of academic exploration. Besides carefully researching the motive, process, and concrete exploratory details of Ku’s investigative activities of antiquities, I am going to elaborate and evaluate his achievements and contribution from the following five aspects: first, the examination and collection of antiquities and bibliographies; second, the display and announcement of investigative results; third, to consciously promote the investigation of antiquities to be a professional course; fourth, to awake the society’s respect for antiquities; five, to verify by classics, histories, and ancient books.
起訖頁 117-149
關鍵詞 顧頡剛經史學家朱熹古跡古物調查禹貢學會KuChieh-kanglassic-historiancademic explorationivestigation of antiquitiesYuGong Society
刊名 政大中文學報  
期數 201006 (13期)
出版單位 國立政治大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 宋儒聖賢系譜論述之分析──朱熹道統觀淵源考察
該期刊-下一篇 「誤國」者的側寫──東晉謝氏之清談興家的營謀




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