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The interpretation of Hui Dong Han Yi from the Hermeneutics Viewpoint
作者 陳伯适
This study is to discuss Hui Dong Han Yi in the view of the hermeneutics, conceiving the contemporary annotation of Han Yi under the sign of the image-numbers in Han Dynasty. In modern hermeneutics trend, the author attends to define Han Yi with “the historical image” method and hermeneutics methodology, meanwhile, explores objectively the time significance of HanYi from the macroscopic explanation angle by the introspection and the self-criticism. The core value of Hui Dong Han Yi lies in the restoration of the original appearance of Han Yi, striving for “real” and “true” value to build its foundation of “fact judgment” and “value judgment”. Hui Dong’s explanation of Chou Yi, lacking the rational content of philosophic elements, is too pure and simplified to be the philosophic classics. Hence, the pure content of the image-numbers cannot receive the universal value and approval. Hui Dong paid attention to the accuracy and rationality of explanations of words in ancient texts. He transformed the implicated hermeneutics question the simpler explanation questions, which is beneath the level of the cycle of hermeneutics. Hui Dong Han Yi is approved by the language and the literature archaeology. Its annotation value or characteristic is mainly from the restoration of the original text and meaning of Chou Yi. Namely, the very value of Hui Dong Han Yi lies in the establishment of the ancient meaning of Chou Yi and its realistic annotation spirit.
起訖頁 183-208
關鍵詞 惠棟清代詮釋學漢易象數Hui DongQing DynastyHermeneuticsHan YiThe image-numbers
刊名 政大中文學報  
期數 200612 (6期)
出版單位 國立政治大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 遺民的生命圖像與文化鄉愁――錢選詩/畫互文修辭的時空結構與對話主題
該期刊-下一篇 導入引進情景:宋元話本小說「入話」之「大眾化」敘事藝術




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