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Contemporary Chinese Philosophy And The Recognition Of The Global World
作者 羅亞娜
The majority of the most influential Chinese philosophers of the 20th Century tried to remain loyal to their own tradition of thought, in which language had an essential influence on consciousness, while also having a practical, i.e. regulative function within (social) reality. (ibid, p. 171) A coherent interpretation of these approaches and their theoretical results is thus a necessary prerequisite to any examination of the pragmatic, interactive relation between theory and social praxis. If we ask ourselves, what kind of original knowledge might modern Chinese philosophy offer us at the dawn of the new Millennium, we have to make good use of the positive aspects of global development and find a new epistemology of understanding; that means, that we first have to establish creative dialogues that transcend the limitations of specific ethnocentric valuations and discriminations and lead to new forms of comprehension. Comparative philosophy connects philosophical traditions which developed in relative separation and isolation from one another and which were determined to a great extent by specific cultural and regional particularities. The central and elementary task of comparative studies is the search for forms of mutual commensurability of different philosophical traditions. The most crucial of these forms is, of course, that of a methodological commensurability that can guarantee the objective and verifiable analysis and interpretation of research objects.
起訖頁 183-204
關鍵詞 現代中國哲學比較哲學文化間研究的方法論Modern Chinese philosophyComparative philosophymethodology of intercultural research
刊名 政大中文學報  
期數 200512 (4期)
出版單位 國立政治大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 民主化的情慾認知與實踐:從男性形象論五四女性文學中的兩性關係
該期刊-下一篇 視域融合:《文心雕龍》審美心物觀之建構論




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