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Scene and Anxiety: The Comparatively Reading between Liu Zongyuan’s Scene Essays and Cifu in Yongzhou
作者 許東海
This article rethinks Liu Zongyuan’s exile anxiety during his Yongzhou period mainly based on Liu’s literature work created in Yongzhou such as “Chou-shan fu” etc. And this article also attempts to explain the readers` doubt, which may happen when readers correlately read his works created in Yongzhou period, whether Liu’s creation attitude changes all the time or he just wants to abreact his exile anxiety by Yongzhou’s scene writing. “Yongzhou eight essays” for Liu is not only a splendorous representation of Yongzhou’s scene but also a landscape and literature performance which enweaves the theme of exile anxiety of Chinese traditional intellectuals. Through the reconstruction of the two forms of literature and the information of Liu’s documents, Liu’s exile anxiety hiding behind the scene writing emerges and refracts his mind. These points not only construct the special writing position from scene to anxiety but also reveal the importance of the intertextuality relationship between “Yongzhou eight essays” and Yongzhou cifu.
起訖頁 75-113
關鍵詞 柳宗元永州八記辭賦謫囚焦慮Liu ZongyuanYongzhou eight essayscifuexileanxiety
刊名 政大中文學報  
期數 200406 (1期)
出版單位 國立政治大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 工夫、境界與自然之道──阮籍〈達莊論〉的理論思維
該期刊-下一篇 水的聖域:兩晉江海賦的原型與象徵




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