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Practice, Understanding, The Way of Nature─The Philosophical Structure of Ruan-Ji's Dazhuangiun
作者 黃偉倫 (Wei-Lung Huang)
The purpose of this essay is to research on the philosophy of Ruan-Ji's “Dazhuangiun”.By passing through a good analysis of the original text, it’s about to look for the group consisted of kernel ideas, after that to ascertain their meanings and the relationship of their levels(mutual levels relation), thereby pick out its inner orderliness, with which to structure a theoretical system having identical logic inference, eventually so as to show the ideological outlook and form of “Dazhuangiun”. Speak of the discussing procedure, firstly it will be began with mentioning ‘the view of nature’ of Lao-tzu and of Zhuang- tzu , on this account to reveal the meaning of Ruan-Ji's ‘the way of nature’ in the history of thought, and to point out its logical priority on the theory. Secondly, regard ‘the way of nature’as fundamental key , I amd going to expound Ruan-Ji's criticisms of the social duties and teachings, as well as his proposition of ‘a carefree supreme-man’ as pursued ideal for clearing up the predicaments in life, in addition its practical method for reaching this ideal, and its form of typical character. So, pay attention to the structure of “Dazhuangiun”, ‘nature’ can be said to be regarded as its intension of metaphysical thinking, and as the basis of possibility for its typical character. Besides the typical character is an outcome of one’s practical actions, with the result that the practice becomes the guaranteed way for its metaphysical thinking to be workable concretely on people.
起訖頁 49-76
關鍵詞 達莊論阮籍工夫境界自然之道DazhuangiunRuan-JiPracticeUnderstandingthe way of nature
刊名 政大中文學報  
期數 200406 (1期)
出版單位 國立政治大學中國文學系
該期刊-下一篇 風景與焦慮:柳宗元永州所撰山水遊記與辭賦之對讀




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