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Phenomenological Research of the Existentiality of Care for Psychopathic Patients-- Theoretical Response and Clearing
作者 汪文聖
In cooperation with Prof. Sheu and in response to the result of her empirical study, this paper first explores generally the following interrelated subject matters respectively: the transcendental phenomenological method and some concrete processes it dictates, a phenomenological conception of mental illness, and the existential care in Heidegger's and Binswanger's sense. Then the transcendental phenomenological method will be reflected upon closely. At the end, the paper arrives at the following conclusions, and questions: 1. Husserl's transcendental phenomenology and Heidegger's hermeneutic phenomenology in some aspects are mutually comprehended. Nonetheless, further works on the problem of articulation of theme and language in that regard are needed. 2. Existential care, the kernel of which is the care-structure, presupposes the disclosure of Being (Sein). However, it is still a live question how to construe a proper ethics for the excise of domestic family-care. 3. Though a phenomenological theory of the mental illness has been recommended in this paper, there is still a space to be filled between the theory and its applications in the professional and practical level 4. The nature of existential care is in sight, but there remains a question to be answered for it to be realized in field: how is it to be thematized properly into the professional areas, including the institution of medical care, without falling into the formalism and instrumentalism?
起訖頁 269-306
關鍵詞 照顧現象學精神病患照顧存在性精神衛生學胡塞爾海德格賓司汪格梅露龐蒂carephenomenologypsychopathic patientsexistentiality of carethe science of mental healthHusserl HeideggerBinswangerMerlau-Ponty
刊名 國立政治大學哲學學報  
期數 200106 (7期)
出版單位 國立政治大學哲學系
該期刊-上一篇 「照顧存在性」研究的準備工作與實務理論之建構
該期刊-下一篇 護病間的互為主體性




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