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Whale and Dolphin, Homecoming and Exploration of Religiosity — Hung-Chi Liao’s Whale and Dolphin Writing in the Context of Oceanic and Cultural significance
作者 蕭義玲
Whale and dolphin writing is the deepening embodiment of Hung-Chi Liao’s oceanic experience. According to Liao, “whale and dolphin” play a bridging role in guiding him to keep cruising toward ocean, imagining ocean and writing about ocean. Figures of whale and dolphin run through the works by Liao who even takes them as subjects for his literary writing. Taking whale and dolphin as the research subjects, this paper delves into the following question: Under what historical and geographical contexts do whale and dolphin enter the author’s life background and writing? What are the relations between whale and dolphin writing and his oceanic experience? Does Liao’s awareness of whale and dolphin change during his one-decade process of literary writing from 1997 when he wrote The World of Whales to 2008 when his book titled “The Book of Whale and Dolphin” was published? Through such writing, what message is he devoted to delivering? Shall survival reflection also be invested in the context of modernization process? After the preceding questions have been raised and discussed, we may probably find that whale and dolphin writing can guide readers to cruise toward ocean, and forge a path of religious exploration overlooked by modern technology and civilization that invites readers to search for self divinity as a way towards a homecoming.
起訖頁 133-182
關鍵詞 廖鴻基海洋文學生態倫理鯨豚宗教性現代性Hung-Chi Liaooceanhomelandecologywhale and dolphinreligiosity
刊名 中央大學人文學報  
期數 201210 (52期)
出版單位 國立中央大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 「中華民國53年經濟建設成果展覽會」與僑資企業研究
該期刊-下一篇 李慈銘〈讀國語簡端記〉補箋




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