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“1964 Economic Development Exposition” and Overseas Chinese Enterprise
作者 李道緝
This research will be based on “1964 Economic Development Exposition” to study the overseas business which played a special roles during the Taiwan economic activity of 1950s-1970s which is a period of Bureaucrats (partisan/bureaucracy) combined with Commerce (capitalists). The Taiwan overseas business after the 1950s was produced by the government’s policy delineating privilege. Taiwan government declared the superior measures for attracting the overseas businessmen to invest which prompted the foreign capitals to come to Taiwan, instead of constructing between Taiwan and overseas Chinese through the superior arrangements. In other words, economic relationship replaces the traditional blood, and geography contact, which proves that the political body of the R.O.C. in Taiwan is the legitimate Chinese sovereignty that will be the mother-state of the overseas Chinese. On the contrary, on receiving the superior treatments, the overseas businessmen take the royal merchant model to supply the anti-communist propagation for the Taiwan government in return. The overseas investment center exhibition during the Double Tenth Festival was the model which represented the legitimate rule of Taiwan. The advantages between the nation-state and the overseas businessmen’s collaboration are the main points of this research. Beside, the overseas business underwent a series of localization, this research will deal expect dealing with the overseas business capital character and the exposed dialogues to investigate how they enter into Taiwan society, especially how the foreign investment manipulated the national products dialogues to represent their localization.
起訖頁 85-134
關鍵詞 經濟僑資企業經建展展覽會李國鼎economyoverseas enterpriseE. D. E.expositionK. T. Li
刊名 中央大學人文學報  
期數 201210 (52期)
出版單位 國立中央大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 王船山論存養本心的工夫――心、意/性、情貫通之道
該期刊-下一篇 鯨豚、返家與宗教性探求――廖鴻基海洋歷程下的鯨豚書寫與文化意義




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