中文摘要 |
本研究旨在瞭解2010年4月至2011年8月五階段職能復健指標中、各階層人次及其比率、進階類別人數及其比率及其各月份間急慢性病房間之出席情形。本研究係屬回溯之資料描述:研究母群體為接受某精神專科醫院職能治療服務之精障者1,756人,共計337,105人日活動次。研究結果發現,某精神專科醫院於17個月間,接受職能治療服務的1,756人中,五階中以第一階一般職能活動與第四階庇護性院內工作訓練佔多數,其中50.2%於17個月裡,均維持在固定階層。對於慢性精神病患而言,職能治療的介入可能可維持個案功能狀態,以延緩其退化。急性病房的合理出席率建議可定為7成。從第一階一般職能治療活動進步至第二階技巧訓練團體,平均約花費2.5個月,未來為計算各階層之合理出席率,建議應於原始資料庫加入一至五階應出席人數等五個欄位,以訂定一至五階及慢性病房之合理出席率。 |
英文摘要 |
The study aimed to investigate the significance of quality indicators for occupational therapy. The indicators included number of people at all levels and their ratio, number of people at advanced level, and the monthly attendance rate at an acute and chronic ward in a psychiatric hospital between April 2010 and August 2011. This retrospective descriptive study was based on 331,705 person-day activities (1,756 patients) for psychiatric inpatients in seventeen months. In the seventeen months, of those 1,756 inpatients who received occupational therapy services, 50.2% remained at a fixed level. Level one (general activities) was the most attended level and level five (work training) was the second most attended level of the five levels of occupational activities. This study suggests that occupational therapy may help maintain occupational function and prevent degradation in chronic inpatients in a psychiatric hospital. On average, it took 2.5 months for inpatients to progress from first to second level. In order to calculate the indicators of participation rate for each level, five extra variables on functional categories for inpatients in each ward are need entering into the databank. |