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Ruined Body and Cries of Life in Lynn Nottage's Ruined
作者 姜翠芬
非裔女劇作家琳‧那特琪(Lynn Nottage)在她的戲劇《毀了》(Ruined)中探討戰爭中被強暴過的女人毀壞的身體和生命價值。這齣拿到2009年普立茲獎的戲劇橫跨大西洋,直擊非洲內陸──剛果民主共和國──敘述無數婦女在部落間男人戰爭中,她們的身心靈如何慘遭蹂躪,並被她們的家人及社會排斥放逐。為了幫助這群「被毀了」的女子活下去,那蒂大媽(Mama Nadi)在烽火連綿的戰區建立起酒吧,周旋在剛果國民兵及叛軍二大勢力中,這些無家可歸的女子賴以維生的方式卻又是提供性交易。酒吧裡的每一個女子都有一段令人傷痛的往事。本論文將分析這群受害婦女的身體及生命如何被毀,藉關懷為主的女性主義角度來檢視她們如何一點一滴地維護她們毀壞的身體及生命,以及她們如何重建這僅有的生命價值。
African American woman playwright Lynn Nottage in her play Ruined (2009) renders a forceful accusation of men's devastation and atrocities on women's bodies. This 2009 Pulitzer Prize Award winning play depicts the deplorable Congolese women in the fall of the most extreme war crime—rape, and the reconstruction of their life and hope after being rejected and expelled by their family and society. In order to help these women, Mama Nadi opens up a Bar in the war zone to shelter them, but, ironically, these women can only maintain their life by offering sex service to government soldiers and rebel soldiers. All the girls at Mama Nadi's place have sad stories to tell. This paper intends to examine the grief of these women over their ruined body when they find they are used, deserted, and ruined by men. It aims to scrutinize from the perspective of care-focused feminism, how these ruined women in Ruined fight for their right of living and rebuild their life with respect.
起訖頁 41-58
關鍵詞 那特琪《毀了》身體關懷為主的女性主義NottageRuinedbodycare-focused feminism
刊名 彰化師大文學院學報  
期數 201509 (12期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學文學院
該期刊-上一篇 敘事與對話激盪出的狂想:由對話式敘事解構約翰.福爾斯之《蛆》
該期刊-下一篇 路寒袖臺語詩的韻律與意象風格探討




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