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Artist, Artwork and the Truth of Art Interpretation of Heidegger's Thinking of Art
作者 黃銘惇
海德格的〈藝術品的起源〉(Der Ursprung des Kunstwerkes)講述人性最深層的「存在經驗」──這是「存在的真理」。在我們的分析中,他的論述有三個層次:1. 什麼是「物」?2. 藝術品與「存在經驗」之間的關係。3. 藝術的起源是一個「存在真理」的問題。每一件藝術品都有它的素材與內容;在傳統的認知上,這是藝術品的「材料」(die Material)。海德格將它重新界定:這是藝術品的「質料性」;換句話說,「質料性」是我們認識藝術品的開始,同時,我們的認識是具體的「存在經驗」。藝術品呈現的「存在經驗」是具體的生活經驗,所以,在「存在問題」的分析上,藝術品的經驗必須引導我們,理解我們對自己的「存在意義」:當藝術品讓我們感受到內心的喜悅時,我們怎樣去詮釋喜悅的經驗?其次,我們的詮釋與傳統的理解有什麼樣的差異?最後,為什麼我們的詮釋會導向哲學的根本問題──「存在的真理」?基本上,藝術家是藝術品的創作人。但是,海德格認為,藝術品與藝術家有一個相同的起源 — 這個起源是「存在的真理」;這是「光」的經驗。在海德格的分析中,希臘神廟是「存在真理」彰顯的「場所」。因此,我們的詮釋必須針對神廟與「存在真理」之間的關係,進行具體的說明。
Heidegger's 'Origin of Artwork' deals with the deepest experience of human being; and that is the experience of the truth of art. There are three aspects in his analysis: 1. What is the 'thing'? 2. The relationship between the artwork and the 'existential experience' 3. The question about the origin of artwork is a question about the truth of Being. Every artwork hat its own material; in the traditional understanding its material would be regarded as the material of 'form'. Heidegger try to provide a new interpretation — the material of artwork is its 'thingness', therefore the 'thingness' is a new beginning for us to understand the art artwork; on the other hand, our understanding is also a concrete experience of Being. The experience of Being is the concrete experience of our living, hence in the analysis of Being the artwork can lead us to understand, what the meaning of our own Being is. When we observe the artwork, which we appreciate, we can feel the pleasure in us. And that is a question, how we can find a interpretation of this kind of inner pleasure. And what makes it different to the traditional one. Finally, why should our interpretation guide us to a fundamental question of philosophy—the question about the truth of Being? As matter of fact the artist is the creator of artwork, but Heidegger thinks, the artist and artwork have a common origin, and this origin is the truth of Being; the truth is the experience of light. According to Heidegger the Greek temple is the place, on which the truth of Being reveals. What is the relationship between the temple and the truth of Being? That should be a main question of our interpretation.
起訖頁 21-41
關鍵詞 世界存在神廟真理的實現ThingWorldBeingTempleCreation of truth
刊名 彰化師大文學院學報  
期數 201409 (10期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學文學院
該期刊-上一篇 《李爾王》再探:莎翁的語言策略與悲劇藝術
該期刊-下一篇 波普《批評論》中之對話、才思與批判




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