英文摘要 |
The study of Ru rhyme has always been an interesting topic for Chinese phonology scholars. When did it start intermixing, and how did it become integrated with other words? How did it gradually become intermixed with the official language from the North? After studying the early years of Min Gou (after the Qing Dynasty), the scholars Bai Di Zhou and Wei Jian Gong proposed their theory which suggested that Ru rhyme had gradually vanished when Chinese started developing from the Northwest to the East of the mainland during the Song, Jin and Yuan dynasties. Scholar Liu Shuxue of Hebei University of China published a thesis, 'Medieval Ru Rhyme-The Study of Hebei Dialect Pronunciation,' in 2000 which claimed that there are 33 Ru rhyme words in the western, northeastern and southwestern regions among the counties and cities in Hebei province. In other words, there are 33 Ru rhyme words in existiance in northern, central and southern parts near the border of Hebei and Shanxi. During the Jin and Yuan dynasties, Jurchen and Mongols ruled northern China and established their capitals in Beijing. To make a thorough study of Ru rhyme practice in phonology, the researcher proposes to explore rhyming phenomenon in prose from Hebei and Shanxi during the Jin and Yuan dynasties. It is hoped that this will lead to a major breakthrough in this field of study. |