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A Study on the Effects of the “One Fixed Day Off and One Flexible Rest Day” (Yili Yixiu) Policy on Hospital Management
作者 陳光輝陳淑玉
On December 6, 2016, the third reading of the “one fixed day off and one flexible rest day” (yili yixiu) policy was passed to amend partial articles in the Labor Standards Act. It was promulgated for enforcement by the Office of the President on December 21st of the same year, with the starting date on December 23, 2016 and January 1st, following the ratification process by the Executive Yuan. Certain articles concerning yili yixiu, the increase of special leaves, overtime policies on rest days, etc. have an extensive influence on the working population of Taiwan. This is especially the case with hospitals due to the intensive human resource. In coping with the new policy, many hospitals in Taiwan have taken various measures, including reduced clinic appointment sessions, raised patient registration fees, and decreased number of hospital beds. This, however, has directly or indirectly affected the rights of the people regarding access to medical services. This study aims to examine the effects of the amendments on hospitals and the measures adopted; in addition, suggestions will be proposed as a reference for future amendments, if any, in order to create a sustainable, win-win situation for both sides of labor and employers, while protecting the medical rights of the public.
起訖頁 26-35
關鍵詞 勞動基準法醫院管理醫療權益一例一休 Labor Standards ActHospital managementInterests of Medical(Yili Yixiu)
刊名 醫院  
期數 201706 (50:3期)
出版單位 台灣醫院協會
該期刊-上一篇 利用判定係數及Rasch模式探討醫院層級間的護病比
該期刊-下一篇 尊重生命促進健康,深耕社區追求卓越,提供鄉親適切的醫療照護




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