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Using determination coefficient and Rasch model to investigate nurse-patient ratios among Taiwan hospital levels
作者 曾雅鈴林為森錢才瑋
Objectives: To investigate nurse-patient ratio among Taiwan hospital levels using coefficient of determination and Rasch model. Methods: We downloaded data of 2015 nurse-patient ratio of 479 hospitals from the website of Taiwan National Health Insurance Administration and used the author-made computer module on Miscro-soft Excel based on Rasch model of item response theory to (i) screen out the minimum of determination coefficient on data of nurse-patient ratio among hospital levels for improvement consideration, again to (ii) separate two groups from the criterion of hospital accreditation on nurse-patient ratio, and to (iii) rank the stability indicators for hospitals as well as demonstrating a method compared to the traditional statistical approach to provide more meaningful information to readers for further improvement made in future. Results: We found that (i) the minimal determination coefficient (=0.71) among hospital levels is attributable to medical center, (ii) one hospital in medical center is under the criterion (i.e., 9 patients per nurse) set by hospital accreditation regulation and other 21 hospital beyond the criterion, and (iii) two hospitals in medical center are shown most significantly unstable (i.e., Outfit mean square error greater than 2.0). Conclusions: A novel module designed by authors was demonstrated and used for getting data from nurse-patient ratio among Taiwan hospital levels. We confirmed that medical centers suffer the minimal determination coefficient beyond our expectation in 2016 and the data in nurse-patient ratios of medical center examined by Rasch model can be addible and construct a unidimensional scale. The author-made Rasch continuous model is recommended to readers analyzing their data in future.
起訖頁 13-25
關鍵詞 護病比醫學中心醫院層級判定係數試題反應理論nurse-patient ratiomedical centerhospital levelcoefficient of determinationitem response theory
刊名 醫院  
期數 201706 (50:3期)
出版單位 台灣醫院協會
該期刊-上一篇 提升術後直送加護病房病人單位間交班完整性――以心臟外科為例
該期刊-下一篇 淺談一例一休對醫院管理之影響




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