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動態消息演算法、能見度、與新聞經營:以 Facebook 平台為例
The News Feed Algorithm, Visibility, and News Business: Using Facebook as an Example
作者 蕭維傑王維菁
本研究聚焦 Facebook 動態消息演算法的能見度支配,希望藉此釐清台灣新聞媒體在 Facebook 動態消息能見度上的策略行動與回應偏向,產生了何種社群媒體新聞生產、流通與消費的交互作用與經濟社會文化結果。研究發現,演算法作為分配秩序,替媒體建構出能見度的差別待遇和不確定性,媒體為爭取被看見的機會,企圖建立暫時的成功模式,以繼續維持流量換取廣告營收的舊有生存條件,但最終此等交互作用形塑出組織經濟、新聞市場、新聞產品三個面向的矛盾糾結,過往由大眾媒體主導的利益分配、市場變化、品質產出已不復存在。
This study focused on the visibility dominance as due to Facebook’s dynamic information algorithm to clarify the strategic actions and response tendencies of the news media in Taiwan; the types of reciprocal effects from the creation, circulation, and consumption of social media news; and the economic, social, and cultural results. We found that the algorithm distributes order and constructs differential treatments and uncertainties in terms of media visibility. To fight for the opportunities to be seen, the media have developed the see-through and fight strategic actions in an attempt to establish a temporary success model and maintain the old traffic for advertisement revenue survival pattern. Ultimately, these reciprocal effects shape the contradictory entanglements between the organization economy, the news market, and the news products. The profit distribution, market changes, and quality output once dominated by the mass media no longer exist.
起訖頁 63-104
關鍵詞 Facebook動態消息演算法能見度新聞媒體新聞Facebooknews feed algorithmvisibilitynews medianews
刊名 資訊社會研究  
期數 201801 (34期)
出版單位 南華大學社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 未來時間透視、社交目標及社交對象對行動應用程式之彈出式廣告效果研究──以高齡族群為例
該期刊-下一篇 青少年透過新通訊科技與父母溝通之行為:探索家庭關係的關鍵影響因素與結果




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