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Future Time Perspective, Social Goals, and Social Partners on Effect of Pop-up Advertisements in Mobile Applications: Using the Elderly as an Example
作者 高子涵林慧斐
隨著高齡化社會與數位時代的來臨,高齡族群的行動裝置持有率逐年攀升,成為行動廣告行銷的潛在消費者。本研究以社會情緒選擇理論為基礎,檢視高齡族群之未來時間透視、社交目標及社交對象對行動廣告效果的潛在影響。本研究執行 2x2x2 組間實驗設計。有效問卷共 251 份,以北部 60 至 75 歲老年人為研究對象。經由MANCOVA 檢定結果顯示:(1)未來時間透視×社交目標,對行動廣告具有雙向交互效果;(2)未來時間透視×社交對象,對行動廣告具有雙向交互效果;(3)未來時間透視×社交目標×社交對象,對行動廣告效果具有三向交互效果。本研究納入心理學變項,將先前高齡族群相關廣告研究延伸至檢視心理層面的相關特質,為行動應用程式的廣告研究提出新面向。
In an aging society in the digital era, the ownership rate of mobile devices among the elderly is trending upward every year. Hence, the elderly have become potential consumers targeted by mobile advertisements. This study, based on the socioemotional selectivity theory, examines the effects of the future time perspective, social goals, and social partners of the elderly on the efficacy of mobile advertisements. An experiment with a 2 (future time perspective: expansive vs. limited) x 2 (social goal: knowledge vs. emotionally meaningful goal) x 2 (social partner: new friends vs. family) three-factor between-subject design was conducted. A total of 251 valid questionnaires were collected, with older persons aged 60–75 in Northern Taiwan as the research targets. MANCOVA tests were used to examine the hypotheses. The results showed that: (1) “future time perspective x social goal” had a two-way interaction with the effect of mobile advertisements; (2) “future time perspective x social partner” had a two-way interaction with the effect of mobile advertisements; and (3) “future time perspective x social goal x social partner” had a three-way interaction with the effect of mobile advertisements. This study includes psychological variables to extend previous elderly-related advertising studies to examine related qualities on a psychological level, in turn suggesting a new dimension in advertising research on mobile applications.
起訖頁 33-62
關鍵詞 老年人未來時間透視行動廣告社會情緒選擇理論廣告效果elderlyfuture time perspectivemobile Advertisementssocioemotional
刊名 資訊社會研究  
期數 201801 (34期)
出版單位 南華大學社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 競爭或合作?:聚合服務使用新聞媒體內容的法律與實務分析
該期刊-下一篇 動態消息演算法、能見度、與新聞經營:以 Facebook 平台為例




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