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Differences in the effects of social exclusion on violent and non-violent male adolescents
作者 陳巧雲 (CHEN Qiaoyun)柯政宏游家權
從過去的研究發現一些暴力青少年犯認為自己被同儕排擠在外(Leary et al., 2003)。本研究以比較暴力男性少年與對照組(包含非暴力犯罪組與一般高中生組)之主動──反應性攻擊行為高低、排斥敏感度高低、負向情緒調控能力以及經歷社會排斥相關的電腦化丟球遊戲後,其感受社會排斥後之威脅──需求量表分數差異,來瞭解攻擊行為產生的相關因素。研究結果發現暴力青少年於攻擊行為傾向上,無論主動性及反應性攻擊分數皆顯著高於兩個對照組,在拒絕敏感度上,三組於焦慮及憤怒各分量表分數上未達顯著差異。在負向情緒調節能力上,暴力青少年顯著低於兩對照組,暴力青少年可能無法覺察或瞭解他人所展現的負向情緒訊息、對自身情緒表達與掌控有困難,對負向情緒控制較差,及對人際互動所衍生壓力作出適當的反應。在需求威脅上,暴力青少年經歷社會排斥後,暴力青少年歸屬感及有意義存在需求的分屬顯著低於其他二組對照組,暴力青少年組可能因為無法獲得其他個體之回饋反應而喪失其歸屬感,以及認為對群體毫無價值,可能藉由展現暴力,謀求群體對其產生注意,來獲得歸屬感及有意義存在需求之高度滿足,導致產生攻擊行為的原因之一。
Previous studies have found that social exclusion may be related to violent behavior in youngsters (Leary et al., 2003).The present study compared violent male adolescents and control groups (a non-violent adolescent group and a normal adolescent group) in terms of proactive-reactive aggression, rejection sensitivity, negative emotion regulation ability and threat-need after experiencing social exclusion. The computerized cyberball task, which presents a social game environment, was used to manipulate social inclusion and exclusion conditions. The results showed that the violent adolescents had higher proactive and reactive aggression scores than the two control groups. For rejection sensitivity, no significant differences were shown in anxiety and anger subscale scores among the three groups. The score for negative emotion regulation in violent adolescents was significantly lower than those in the control groups. This means the violent adolescents may not perceiveor understand the negative emotion information from others and have lower inhibitory control of negative emotions, and have inappropriate reactions when under pressure in social interactions. After experiencing social exclusion, the scores of belonging and meaningful existence in the violent adolescents were lower than those in the other two control groups. The violent adolescents may experience lower feedback from other people and consequently have a reduced sense of belonging. They may think they are notimportant in their group and so also have a lower sense of meaningful existence. This may mean they adopt violent behavior to get the attention of others, thus gaining a sense of belonging and an elevated feeling of meaningful existence.
起訖頁 1-48
關鍵詞 主動-反應性攻擊行為排斥敏感度負向情緒調控社會排斥威脅-需求proactive-reactive aggressionrejection sensitivitynegative emotion regulationthreat-need
刊名 青少年犯罪防治研究期刊  
期數 201706 (9:1期)
出版單位 臺灣青少年犯罪防治研究學會
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