英文摘要 |
This research aims to find the life experience of a juvenile status offender who was released because of the Judicial Yuan Interpretation No.664. The data was collected from semi-structured in-depth interview with one participant who conformed to the requirement of this research. Hermeneutic phenomenology perspective was used to analyze the text. The following findings were drawn in this research:1. The difficulty in adaptation to the transition from elementary school to junior high school led the participantto truancy and run away from home. 2. Counseling to the participant was not effective if the participant's reflective ability was not well clarified in advance. 3. Neither in the juvenile detention housenorin the juvenile rehabilitative education institute, the participant was not separated from the other criminal offenders and treated in the same way. 4. Therewas no use for the participantto decrease the truancy andrunawayfrom home by detention. 5. Truant andrunawaybehaviorof the participant were decreased afterreleased from the juvenile rehabilitative education institute. Thegrowthof age and critical ‘life event’happenedduringthe rehabilitative education days had absolute influence on the change of behavior. 6. The Containment Theorycould be used to explain whythe participantchose to become truantand run away from home.In addition,'life-course perspective” of Developmental Criminology was appropriate to be utilized to provide a reasonable explanation for the behavioral change of the participant. |