英文摘要 |
This paper studies the impact of the Taiwan-Japan IndustrialCollaboration Project promoted in Mie Prefecture and analyzes itsbackgrounds and features. In addition, by examining the progress and casesof the collaboration, this paper proposes potential issues and prospects.In July 2012, Mie Prefecture played a pioneering role to collaborate withthe Taiwanese government. A memorandum of understanding (MOU) hasbeen signed between the Mie prefectural government and Taiwan-JapanIndustrial Collaboration Promotion Office (TJPO). Subsequently, MiePrefecture has built up the triangular industry-academia-governmentcollaboration mode and has worked closely with affiliated organizations. Asa model supported and facilitated by government policy, the bilateralcollaboration has created various exchanges and cooperation in industry,culture and academia. The industrial groups in Mie Prefecture are generally positive and optimistic about the collaboration. However, the small andmedium-sized enterprises in the prefecture are lack of international businessexperience. If the governments of the two sides could strengthen the policieson Taiwan-Japan industrial collaboration, it would be beneficiary for bilateralindustrial developments. Therefore, the triangular industry-academiagovernmentcollaboration mode can be applied as the model for further andextended Taiwan-Japan cooperation. |