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Hollowing Out or Sustaining? Taiwan’s SME Network-based Production System Reconsidered, 1996-2011
作者 謝斐宇
The dominant view of Taiwan’s industrial transformation suggests scaling up and growing concentration as the strategies for surviving global competition, thus implying the demise of the SME system. Through a detailed sectoral analysis of Taiwan’s manufacturing industries during the 1996-2011 period, using industrial and commerce census data, this article examines two competing questions (1) whether a SME network-based production system is still viable in Taiwan, and (2) whether Taiwan’s industrial structure is headed towards the modern industrial capitalism associated with increasing concentration and dominance by large corporations. The detailed breakdown by sectoral analysis suggests the following. (1) The Information Technology (IT) sector may have skewed our understanding of the overall performance of Taiwan’smanufacturing sector. The growth-driven approach, which centers on the performance of individual firms making the final product, has overlooked the value-added by independent parts makers. (2) The contribution of the machinery and metal sector (mostly SMEs) to Taiwan’s economy, measured by valueadded, is similar to that of the IT sector (with the exception of the semiconductor industry) on which current generalizations on the rise of large firms draw. (3) Lastly, contrary to the claim of the hollowing out of SMEs with the rise of the IT sector and that Chandlerian modern large corporations prevail, the findings reveal that the decentralized production system in which a system of SMEs and the networks among them for coordinating economic activities continues to thrive. The article then discusses the mechanisms that drive the SME system, namely, the overlooked role of parts makers and their cross-sectoral, skills- based learning, and the role of para-public institutions in coordinating a decentralized industrial system. It concludes with a reconceptualization of the paths to prosperity and policy implications.
起訖頁 149-191
關鍵詞 網絡式生產組織經濟發展附加價值代工產業升級SME network productiondecentralized industrial structureflexible specializationinnovationindustrial transformation
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 201412 (28期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 文化中介者的中介與介入:出版產業創意生產的內在矛盾
該期刊-下一篇 一本呈現主體運動經驗的後解嚴民主民族誌:評《民主台灣:後威權時代的社會運動與文化政治》




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