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The Mediation and Intervention of the Cultural Intermediaries: The Contradiction in the Creativity Production of the Publishing Industry
作者 李令儀
本文視圖書出版業為創意產業的一環,探討文化中介者(cultural intermediaries)在出版場域中實作的多重面向。文化中介者連結了原創作者和消費者,並因所處的把關位置,和創作者有不對稱的權力關係;但其串連文化生產與市場的中介位置,也讓他們不時須在文化使命與市場獲利間有所權衡。本文運用田野調查資料,探究文化中介者在創意產出的創作及後製兩階段所扮演的角色,並嘗試建構「編輯類型學」,做為研究台灣出版業文化中介者的理念型。本研究發現,這一文化生產場域出現「典範轉移」現象:文化中介者和創作者的合作關係,從發掘、篩選創意的守門人模型,逐漸轉變為參與創意發想的介入模式,甚而有中介者取代創作者成為創意發想主體,形成反客為主的內在矛盾。
Cultural intermediaries are cultural workers mediating cultural production and consuming public. This article explores the multiplicity of practices of the cultural intermediaries in publishing industry in Taiwan. As gatekeepers in the publishing field, publishers and editors have antagonistic cooperation with authors; as mediators between creativity production and book market, they have to make trade-off between cultural value and market profit. Based on field work and interviews, the paper investigated the roles of cultural intermediaries in creation and reproduction stages of book production, and constructed a typology of editors in Taiwan. I found that the role model of the editors has been transforming from “gatekeeper model” selecting and filtering creative works to the “producer model” involving and intervening in the creative stage. There contains a contradiction in the latter model as the intermediaries substituted authors and became creative subjects.
起訖頁 97-147
關鍵詞 圖書出版產業創意產業文化中介者不確定性publishing industrycreative industrycultural intermediariesuncertainty
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 201412 (28期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 彈性病況:失智家庭的照顧軌跡
該期刊-下一篇 台灣奇蹟的幻滅?重探台灣中小企業的網絡式生產體系,1996-2011




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