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Toward Active Labor Market Policies (1996-2011): The Divergence and Convergence of Partisan Preferences in Taiwan
作者 陳盈方呂建德 (Jen-Der Lue)葉秀珍
Unlike the western literature, which contends that a ruling party’s policies are “statically” shaped by its ideology, this article argues that policy differences between political parties are “dynamic”. Ideology and political competition compel the ruling party to modify its policy strategies and attract different classes’ votes. This article examines Taiwan’s partisan influences on social policies, with respect to passive and active labor-market policies since 1996. The findings of our study indicate that the policy preferences of the KMT and the DPP are converging, though incrementally. The KMT’s labor policy reforms were characterized by productivism in the first phase. The reforms of unemployment benefits and ALMP were limited to the most disadvantaged groups. As the KMT came back to power in 2008, however, it modified its productivist strategy and moved to the left in response to fierce electoral competition in order to attract more votes from different classes. Thus, in the third phase, the KMT expanded unemployment benefits and the expenditure of ALMP. But these changes still concentrated on targeting groups, as did the KMT’s productivist ideology. Conversely, the DPP government (2000-2008) was characterized by a social democratic ideology. In addition, the DPP endeavored to forge a majority political coalition by including their core constituencies, such as the working class and SMEs. Thus, they expanded unemployment benefits to cover more of the working class, but meanwhile reinforced the unemployed’s obligations to reduce welfare dependency. Furthermore, most of the DPP’s ALMP programs concentrated on work incentive strategies and employers subsidies, just like the KMT. The DPP, however, tried to enhance employment assistance and human capital development gradually in order to follow its social democratic ideology. Nevertheless, the scope of these strategies was very limited.
起訖頁 37-96
關鍵詞 失業給付消極/積極勞動市場政策政黨效應勞動市場改革unemployment insurancepassive and active labor market policypartisan preferenceslabor market reforms
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 201312 (26期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 幻象與共謀:布赫迪厄論秩序的自我持存
該期刊-下一篇 友誼網絡中誰的獲益更多:青少年友誼網絡與學業成就的動態分析




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