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Illusio and Complicity: Bourdieu on the Self-perpetuation of Order
作者 賴曉黎
This research focuses on Bourdieu’s re-problematiztion of the problem of order: in history, the conditions of possibility for “eternalizing the arbitrary” and “self-perpetuating order.” Through misrecognition and euphemism, we can distinguish the gift from the debt; besides, we enter the economy of symbolic exchanges, which is based on the gift exchange as the archetype. Then, we establish firmly the symbolic interest that differs from the material interest in the economy of symbolic exchanges. Further, Bourdieu applied the plurality of interests to all aspects of social life and displayed the multiplicity of fields (games). By the effects of illusio, games are consecrated and legitimated; meanwhile, illusio are consecrated also. Therefore, as the power of constituting consecration, symbolic power produces the arbitrary legitimately by the process of imposition and naturalization. Symbolic violence that internalizes power is constituted as fatalistic doxic submission. Namely, symbolic violence misrecognizes not only the contingency of social position as necessity, but also the legitimacy of the arbitrary imposed by symbolic power as self-limitation or even destiny. For that reason, the twofold truth appearing by the dominated in the complicit relation is “legitimatization of the arbitrary and imposed naturalization” and “from the submissive revolt to dialectic of resentment.” In the infinite cycle of illusio-complicit and complicit-illusio, however, what we confront is the doxic submission of the dominated, and this is the condition of possibility for eternalizing the arbitrary and self-perpetuating order.
起訖頁 1-36
關鍵詞 禮物交換象徵權力象徵暴力幻象共謀gift exchangesymbolic powersymbolic violenceillusiocomplicity
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 201312 (26期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-下一篇 朝向積極勞動市場政策(1996-2011):台灣政黨的差異與趨同




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