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Proletarianizing Urban China: The Changing Class Structure and Social Inequality, 1979-2003
作者 林宗弘
本文擴展了新馬克思主義的階級分析,以戶口、單位、權威與技術來劃分毛澤東時代的階級結構,並以權威、技術與生產工具的所有權來劃分目前中國的階級結構。由毛時代的階級結構轉型為資本主義階級結構的過程中,戶口與單位制度因勞動力市場與國有企業產權私有化的發展而遭侵蝕,無產階級比例迅速擴張。根據2003年《中國社會綜合調查》(China General Social Survey)城市樣本的統計分析發現:首先,中國城市地區的階級結構開始無產化,私營企業工人佔勞動力的比例迅速擴大,但新中產階級也在緩慢增長。其次,在代際流動方面,父代的農業戶口與集體單位對子代流動造成障礙;在代內流動方面,改革開放前的農民與工人更容易成為無產階級,而共產黨員更容易成為資本家。最後,中國城鎮地區的所得與財富分配,已經由戶口與單位的差異逐漸轉向資本主義階級的差異,無產者與資本家之間的貧富差距正在迅速擴大。由於下崗職工與農民湧入私部門,使個體戶的所得下滑,與私營企業工人的所得差異甚微。資本主義發展下階級結構的無產化,可能是導致中國城市區域內的貧富差距惡化的因素之一。
This paper adopts a neo-Marxian perspective to examine the transformation of class structure in the urban China. A class schema is developed based on the institutional features of the Maoist China: household registration (hukou) institution, work unit (danwei) institution, and cadre position, which correspond to the ownership of labor power, of organizational assets, of skills/authority in neo-Marxian class theory. In contrast, the capitalist classes are divided by authority, skill, and means of production to categorize class locations after the economic reform. The theoretical framework suggests that when hukou and danwei are undermined by the labor market and privatization, the class structure should display a trend toward proletarianization. The statistical results, based on the dataset from the 2003 China General Social Survey, showed that the main source of income inequality in urban China has shifted from differences among hukou and danwei to the differences among social classes. In addition, the income level of the self-employed is declining and its difference from the proletariat is insignificant. Analyses of a mobility table and the Multinomial Logistic Regression model confirm that the urban China has been proletarianizing over the past three decades.
起訖頁 101-153
關鍵詞 階級社會階層化中國研究所得分配經濟轉型social classsocial stratificationChina studyincome distributioneconomic transition
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 200712 (14期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 計時趕工的霸權體制:對華南一家加工出口台資廠的勞動體制研究
該期刊-下一篇 班級內與班級間數學表現差異:跨國與跨年級比較




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