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The Affection of Travel Blogs’ Information Quality, Utilitarian Value, and Hedonic Value on Electronic Word-of-Mouth, Considering the Moderating Effects of Various Types of Internet Addiction
作者 李淑芳晏啟華
隨著網際網路發展之趨勢,社交媒體網站隨之迅速地興起,旅遊部落格成為旅遊資訊分享之熱門平台。旅遊部落格可透過提供旅遊相關資訊,藉由良好資訊品質的旅遊訊息,有效提升使用者瀏覽部落格之實用價值與享樂價值,進而達到提高正面網路口碑、降低負面網路口碑之目的。本研究探討使用者瀏覽旅遊部落格之「資訊品質」、「實用價值」、「享樂價值」對網路口碑之的影響,以網路問卷獲得有效樣本443份進行實證分析,並使用AMOS 20軟體以線性結構模式來驗證理論模式,實證結果顯示:「資訊品質」正向影響部落格使用者「享樂價值」、「實用價值」。「享樂價值」與「實用價值」正向影響部落格使用者「正面口碑」、負向影響部落格使用者「負面口碑」。不同「網路成癮類型」的部落格使用者在理論模式各路徑具有不同的影響,最後將提出管理意涵與建議做為旅遊部落格經營實務之參考。
Accompanied with the trend of development of World-Wide-Web, social media websites rise rapidly, travel blogs become popular platforms to share travel information. On the course of providing travel-related information, , travel blogs can effectively elevate users’ utilitarian and hedonic value during browsing travel blogs through travel information with decent information quality and further reach the purpose of raise positive electronic word-of-mouth and reduce negative electronic word-of-mouth. This study explores the influence of information quality, utilitarian value, and hedonic value generated during browsing travel blogs on electronic word-of-mouth, a total number of 443 valid questionnaire were collected via internet for empirical analysis, and AMOS 20 software was applied to verify the theoretical model undertaking SEM model; the empirical results show that: “information quality” positively affect blog users’ “hedonic value” and “utilitarian value”; “hedonic value” and “utilitarian value” positively affects blog users’ “positive word-of-mouth” and negatively affects blog users’ “negative word-of-mouth”; blog users of different types of internet addition reveal different affection on paths in theoretical model. Finally, managerial issues and suggestion are proposed for the reference of operations practices of travel blogs.
起訖頁 212-225
關鍵詞 資訊品質實用價值享樂價值網路口碑網路成癮Information QualityUtilitarian ValueHedonic ValueElectronic Word-of-MouthInternet Addiction
刊名 觀光與休閒管理期刊  
期數 201412 (2:2期)
出版單位 觀光與休閒管理期刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 影響線上遊戲玩家沈浸與價值共創因素之研究
該期刊-下一篇 日本來台旅客對觀光旅館住宿需求預測之研究




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