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Collaborative Knowledge-Creation Model of Itinerary Programming: Knowledge Spiral View
作者 張存金鄭振茂
台灣旅遊行程規劃與設計的專業知識,長期以來並未受到重視。從事旅遊業務與OP人員習慣將舊有行程複製後即交給客戶,而當導遊領隊業務人員,在執行旅遊行程,或是當行程規劃與設計的know-how不易傳授給新進人員時,常發生旅遊糾紛或產生旅遊風險,無法滿足旅遊消費者的需求;尤其針對客製化旅遊行程如獎勵旅遊或醫療觀光遊程規劃與設計,更需要重視專業性知識管理與知識創造。回顧過去國內外文獻,常以產品設計來探討旅遊行程規劃與設計,然而客製化旅遊行程具有無行性(intangibility)、易滅性(perish ability)、不可分割性(inseparability)與異質性(heterogeneity)等一種複雜的體驗服務知識創造過程。本文研究目的是採用知識螺旋理論之觀點,探索旅遊行程規劃與設計之群體知識移轉模式,並進一步針對客製化旅遊行程規劃與設計之群體知識移轉績效提出研究命題,祈能提高遊客滿意度與忠誠度,也能增進旅遊業者競爭優勢有所貢獻。
The itinerary programming expertise in Taiwan has been disregarded for a long time. It is often to cause tourism disputes or produce travel risks when tour operators use to provide former travel itinerary to tour guide conducting travel business or when the tacit know-how of itinerary programming is difficult to educate the new guide. Particularly, the customized itinerary programming for incentive travel or medical tourism needs to focus on knowledge management and knowledge creation. Reviewing the local literatures, many itinerary programming studies do not base tourism on the intangibility, perish ability, inseparability, or heterogeneity characteristics but on product nature. The purpose of this research apply knowledge spiral theory to construct a collaborative knowledge-creation model of itinerary programming and provide research proposals to explore the relationship among knowledge spiral types of customize itinerary programming, knowledge flow, and collaborative knowledge-creation performances for the future empirical research.
起訖頁 118-126
關鍵詞 旅遊行程群體知識創造知識螺旋Itinerary ProgrammingCollaborative Knowledge-CreationKnowledge Spiral
刊名 觀光與休閒管理期刊  
期數 201412 (2:2期)
出版單位 觀光與休閒管理期刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 教學環境對國小學生休閒教育學習成效之影響──以「民眾生活休閒活動課程」為例
該期刊-下一篇 休閒運動對國小高年級學童體適能之影響──以樂趣化跳繩運動為例




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