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An Analysis of Well-being Studies in the Field of Sports
作者 胡靖宇
運動有益健康,過程中更可感受到幸福感,國內研究運動與幸福感各有不同的觀點及建議。本文以中文電子期刊服務(Chinese Electronic Periodical Services, CEPS)、台灣碩博士論文加值系統2個電子資料庫為主,以幸福感、主觀幸福感及運動名稱為關鍵字搜尋,選出6篇針對不同運動探討幸福感議題的期刊及碩博士論文,採用文獻分析法,輔以其他研究運動與幸福感之相關文獻,作整理、批判及建議。結果顯示國內有關參與運動者的幸福感研究,雖名為幸福感,但從採用的幸福感量表分析,大多偏向主觀幸福感,內容並探討人口變項、涉入程度、休閒效益與幸福感之關係值得參考。但這些文獻大都以量化方式且量表大都採西方觀點,建議未來研究者,能建構東方文化價值的主觀幸福感量表,並增加深度訪談等質化研究,更深入了解運動與幸福感的各個層面。
Exercise is good for health, and people enjoy well-being in the process. Researchers in Taiwan have different views and suggestions on the subject of the relationship between sports and well-being. This study attempted to explore strengths and limitations of different sports with the method of literature analysis. It can help us to find a better way to enrich the well-being of participants. This study used the keywords “well-being”, “subjective well-being”, “name of sports “ to collect six researches from Chinese Electronic Periodical Services and National digital library of theses and dissertation in Taiwan. This study also collected and referred to several literatures which study ”sports and well-being” to criticise and bring out the suggestions. Reviewing the six literatures of well-being. This study did not only discuss about well-being but subjective well-being by the content of survey. This study attempted to explore the relationship between population variables, involvement, benefit of leisure and well-being. The results of this study may provide useful information. Most of researchers used quantitative methods and took the western views. The study suggested the researchers to construct the value of oriental culture subjective well-being in the future. The results of this study may provide useful information for people to enrich their well-being. Researchers can interview and conduct other qualitative research to understand all aspects of “sports and well-being”.
起訖頁 232-240
關鍵詞 幸福感主觀幸福感運動Well-beingSubjective Well-beingSports
刊名 觀光與休閒管理期刊  
期數 201410 (2:特刊期)
出版單位 觀光與休閒管理期刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 Kano模式應用於伴手禮品質改善策略之研究
該期刊-下一篇 運用田口方法降低產品不滿意度──以爆米香為例




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