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The Need of Safety for Seniors Traveling Overseas
作者 林雪蘭陳建和
全球高齡人口持續增加,高齡化現象已為不可避免之趨勢。根據交通部觀光局統計,我國65歲以上出國人數亦持續上升,銀髮族旅遊成為未來旅遊市場中重要的區塊。本研究以自由列舉(free-listing)方式進行問卷填寫或口頭敘述,探討銀髮族在海外旅遊時的安全問題。以1年內有出國經驗之65歲以上銀髮族為研究對象,採便利取樣方式進行抽樣,回收問卷90份。將銀髮族自由列舉之旅遊安全題項進行編碼 ,並以ANTHROPAC軟體計算顯著指數(salience index),將所有銀髮族列舉之安全問題的顯著指數予以平均計算出,指數介於0至1之間,指數越高表示越顯著。研究結果發現銀髮族最重視的前10項旅遊安全問題,依序為「車輛故障」、「治安」、「道路路況」、「老化因素」、「駕駛者操作問題」、「走失」、「飛航安全」、「客房安全」、「意外事故」及「消防安全」。此研究結果提出具體實務改進方案及後續研究之相關建議,亦可供旅行業者或政府部門未來規劃銀髮族旅遊時安全項目之參考。
With the coming acceleration of global population ageing, seniors are traveling overseas in an ever-increasing numbers. According to the statistics release of survey report of Tourism Bureau, M.O.T,C., Republic of China, the number of senior visitors have increased recently and also have become the promising customers of traveling agency. In this study, we explore the need of the safety for senior traveling overseas. The subject of the study focuses on seniors aged over 65 and the total sample size is 90 persons with free-listing by questionnaire and narration. Then, the use of ANTHROPAC software to analyze the data and calculate the salience index which indicate the need of safety. The result of the study concluded that the most important needs on safety are ranked as follow :(1)vehicle breakdown (2)public security(3)road traffic condition(4)ageing(5)Violation of Automobile Drivers(6)lost(7)flight safety(8)room safety(9)accident(10)fire-fighting equipment. The result will be advised to the future senior overseas travelers.
起訖頁 44-59
關鍵詞 銀髮族旅遊安全自由列舉seniorstravel safetyfree-listing
刊名 觀光與休閒管理期刊  
期數 201410 (2:特刊期)
出版單位 觀光與休閒管理期刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 寵物保險購買動機與購買意願之研究
該期刊-下一篇 休閒旅館行銷策略規劃──以南投縣魚池鄉D休閒旅館為例




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