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Hong Kong, Whose Hong Kong?
作者 童慶生
This essay begins with the observation that Hong Kong's distrust of mainland China has deepened nearly two decades after its return to China. In an attempt to understand what has brought about the present difficulties in the relationship between the two places, the essay offers a reading of what it calls Hong Kong's "internal racism" against mainlanders. That the essay chooses not to discuss in detail the territory's constitutional statues and identity or its so-called "core values" does not mean that its author overlooks these important issues. The essay has its focus on the advancement of the following points: 1) that the convergence of Hong Kong's neoliberal capitalism and its colonial culture has played a singular role in defining Hong Kong's rejection of the mainland and 2) that its ideological and political divergence from the mainland, which has frequently been considered by commentators as the locale of tension and conflict, may be read as intensified manifestation of its deep-seated capitalistic/colonial way of life.
起訖頁 187-200
關鍵詞 香港「一國兩制」「內在種族主義」殖民主義和本土文化本土主義Hong Kong"One country two systems,""Internal racism,"Colonialism and local cultureLocalism
刊名 文化研究  
期數 201609 (23期)
出版單位 文化研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 香港金紫荊廣場:身分認同爭議
該期刊-下一篇 中港矛盾的表象與結構:回應〈香港,誰的香港?〉




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