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An Analogical Translation of The Sunflower Movement: Between the Logistical Coup in the Global State and The Creation of the Commons
作者 蘇哲安
本文試圖為2014年爆發的太陽花運動提供一種另類脈絡,以便作為運動在思想領域當中類比性的延續。本文脈絡化的重點在於全球資本主義當前的蛻變所帶來的政治意義。蛻變的具體內容可以從諸如債務化、金融化、資訊化、跨國貿易架構、數位勞動、物流學與主權的改變等多種角度切入,進而總體描述本時代的巨大規模歷史轉變。根據本文的立場,這個轉變的政治意義可以涵蓋在「全球國家,財團政變」的觀點之下。換言之,本文的脈絡化嘗試可以視為兩種事件──「太陽花運動」和「全球國家政變」之間的對話。基於這樣的認知,本文試圖勾勒出太陽花運動當中相對於另一運動──「全球國家,財團政變」的緊張關係,以辨認出並凸顯哪些因素足以構成「創構即是對抗」(to create is to resist)的條件,哪些因素實質上暗中參與並建立了反民主全球國家的進一步自動運轉。這樣的區隔動作當中,本文的重大關懷就是破除殖民──帝國現代性的政治、思想架構:種類差異(species difference)。就像species一詞的定義含著物種、貨幣與分類這三種截然不同的領域,本文同樣試圖抓出種類差異架構在人口在政治組織上、知識在規訓組織上,以及勞動在積累體制組織上的重要性。為了阻擋殖民──帝國現代性基礎設施的種類差異架構,在當下的巨大歷史轉折期當中被重新動員,成為新—波的殖民化—整個生物圈(biosphere)被殖民化的基礎──本文企圖從翻譯理論與機器理論兩種領域抓出思想資源,去摧毀種類差異布置的主體科技。換言之,本文的焦點,就政治理論上的意義而言,在於對抗物流學與控制論。作為世界上可能是首度對抗物流學的大眾運動事件,太陽花學運具有值得分析並討論的全球意義。
This essay is an exercise in contextualization, applied to the 2014 Sunflower Movement, that aims to achieve an analogical continuation of the Movement. At the center of its efforts at contextualization, the essay examines the political meaning of the current changes in global capitalism. The concrete indices of this change, which ought to be characterized as an event of Massive Historical Transformation, include debt, financialization, digitalization, algorithmic governance, transnational free trade deals, digital labor, logistics and sovereignty, etc. The working hypothesis of this paper is that the political meaning of these transformations can be summarized by the idea of a corporate coup in the emerging Global State. Hence, this essay could be understood as a dialogue between two events, the Sunflower Movement and the Corporate Coup in the Global State. As such, its main mission is to distinguish those parts of the Sunflower Movement that resist the global coup from those parts that might be complicit with it. The underlying concern in advancing this distinction is to destroy the political and intellectual apparatus of colonial-imperial modernity: the framework of species difference. Just as the word species covers three domains, biology, economy and general taxonomy, this essay aims to grasp at a macro level the importance of species difference to the political organization of populations, the disciplinary organization of knowledge, and the capitalist organization of labor. In order to prevent the infrastructure of the colonial-imperial modernity, the apparatus of species difference, from being mobilized by the new wave of colonization gathering in our era, the colonization of the biosphere, this essay attempts to find resources for resistance and creation in theories of translation and technical objects, in order to destroy the subjective technology of the apparatus of species difference. In other words, the focus of this essay's foray into political theory is to be elaborated through the question, how to resist logistics and cybernetics? As one of the first avowed movements against logistics arising in a special logistical zone, the Sunflower Movement begs for a global interpretation.
起訖頁 79-117
關鍵詞 物流學控制論翻譯理論殖民主義現代性國家自由貿易協定太陽花運動主權LogisticsCyberneticsTranslation theoryColonialismModernityThe stateFree trade dealsThe Sunflower MovementSovereignty
刊名 文化研究  
期數 201609 (23期)
出版單位 文化研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 太陽花運動影像作為「美學事件」
該期刊-下一篇 香港再還是不再,問題並非如此:大中國的「認同」過程與其批判挑戰




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