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Sunflower Movement Image as an Aesthetic Event
作者 張小虹
If the movement image points not merely to the representation of social movement, how can we think through the "image" of the movement and the "movement" of the image? Taking Gilles Deleuze's "the movement-image" and Jacques Rancière's "the politics of the aesthetics" as major theoretical points of departure, this paper focuses on the "photographic image" of the Sunflower Movement to highlight its fast proliferation, connection, propagation, circulation and disruption triggered by the "the flow of cell phone media and web image." The first half of the paper will start with two photo books-The Sunrise and The Island's Sunrise Seen from Our Eyes-in an attempt to map out the entwinement of "the aesthetics of big camera" and "the eyewitness of historical event." The second half of the paper will foreground "the aesthetics of small cell phone" and its "virtual mediality" to explore how it is implicated in the change of contemporary photographic technology and materiality, and also how it can "intervene" radically into the representational system and the distribution of the sensible of both social movements and the history of photography in Taiwan. If the thinking triggered by the "photographic image" of the Sunflower Movement stands not merely as the representation of "318 Occupy Legislative Yuan" (of Anti-Cross Strait Service Trade Agreement, of civil disobedience and so on) and the following events, it could turn out to be a "nuclear explosion of image," radically changing at the intersection of the mobile phone, web image and big data the traditionally established relationship between photography and social movements in Taiwan. We can only read the Sunflower Movement as "an aesthetic event," not in light of the traditional "photographic aesthetics," but in light of "the politics of aesthetics," an event challenging the history of social movement and photography by thinking radically through the "democracy of the image.".
起訖頁 49-78
關鍵詞 太陽花運動影像美學民主攝影手機Sunflower MovementImageAestheticsDemocracyPhot ographyCell phone
刊名 文化研究  
期數 201609 (23期)
出版單位 文化研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 事件318
該期刊-下一篇 太陽花運動類比性的翻譯:在全球國家物流政變與共通普及的創構之間




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