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Yilan Xuantian God Believe ─ Luo Dong DianAn Temple
作者 陳旺城
宜蘭位在台灣東北一隅,三面環山,一面臨海,地理位置偏僻,地勢封閉,平原呈 三角狀,東邊近海有小島如龜。海岸蜿蜒似蛇,故有「龜蛇把海口」說法。且因漢人墾 殖較遲,主祀玄天上帝信仰的廟宇較本省中南部者少,而神像來源大多由先民由閩南原 鄉攜入者多。因漢人「入墾晚,開發速」關係,有關玄天上帝顯化神蹟口耳相傳的數量 大且多元。而地處蘭陽溪南羅東小鎮,原祀神農,後由鄰近冬山鹿埔調訓宮所祀俗稱「帝 爺公」的玄天上帝,因緣際會卻代之而為五穀廟的主神,更名為奠安宮,因此發展二廟 先後獻壽獨特宗教活動,終成羅東五大民間廟宇之一,香火鼎盛結果,其宗教廟會且發 展成為全溪南地區官民共祀的「農曆三月初三,迎熱鬧,呷拜拜」習俗,甚至與時俱進, 結合地方廟宇,陣頭,繞境與民俗藝陣,轉型為兼具民間宗教信仰與地方人文特色的觀 光活動,與地方發展息息相關。迄至今日,仍為比美宜蘭市城隍慶典,東獄大帝遶境的 地方信仰盛況。而其寺廟建築之特色與豐富文物資產更使奠安宮成為羅東地區的玄天上 帝信仰重鎮且為宜蘭溪南地區的民間宗教信仰中心。
Ilan is located in a corner of Taiwan's northeast, surrounded by mountains on three sides, facing the sea, remote location, closed terrain, the triangle was plain, east of the island there are islands such as turtles. The coast winds like a snake, so there is 'turtle snake to the sea' argument. And due to the late Han reclamation, the Lord worship Xuantian God temple less than those in central and southern provinces, and most of the ancestral origins from the ancestors from the original village of Minnan more. Due to the Han Chinese 'into cultivate late, the development of speed' relationship, the mysterious God revealed miraculous word of mouth large and diverse. Located in the town of Luoyang East Luodong Township, the original worship Shennong, by the adjoining Dongshan Luwu Pulpit Hall worship commonly known as 'God' of the Xuantian God, because of the occasion will instead be the main god of the grain temple, Renaming Gong Temple, the development of two temples has dedicated unique religious activities, eventually became one of the five major folk temples Luodong, incense peak results of its religious temples and development has become the common people of all people in the whole area of the south of the lunar calendar ' , Welcome to the lively, praying and worshiping 'customs, and even advancing with the times. In combination with the local temples, front lines, surroundings and folk custom arts, the transformation into a sightseeing tour combining folk religious beliefs and local cultural features is closely linked with the development of the local area. As of today, is still more than the city of Ilan City Festival celebration, the place of worship of the Great East Jains grand occasion. The characteristics of its temple architecture and rich heritage assets make the dungeon Palace become Luo Tung area Xuantian God belief town and Yilan Xinyi folk religion center.
起訖頁 113-120
關鍵詞 宜蘭羅東玄天上帝龜蛇把口奠安宮調訓宮三月初三IlanLuodongXuantian GodTurtle Snake MouthDanan TempleTiaoshuen Templethe Third Day of March
刊名 華人前瞻研究  
期數 201711 (13:2期)
出版單位 南洋文化學會
該期刊-上一篇 薪資水準的相關因素──從職訓與職務晉級條件分析餐旅人員的薪資結構




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