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Fang Zong-Cheng and the transformation of the Cheng-Zhu Confucianism during the period of Dao-Xian
作者 田富美
Ever since its rise in the Song Dynasty, Neo-Confucianism has continued to face challenges posed by social and political changes. Neo-Confucianism adjusts and transforms to keep its vitality and meet the demands of the time, seeing its renaissance in the period of Dao-Xian. Even though often seen as lack of innovation model, Neo-Confucianism during this period still plays a positive role and exerts influence in the society. This paper aims to examine how Fan Zong-cheng, continuing the thought of Fang Tung-shu, constructs new patterns of Neo-Confucian discourse in the face of social changes and unrest in the late Qing Dynasty. This article includes three parts. First, I will discuss how he emphasizes the practical over the abstract. Second, the focus will be on his fashioning of the saint image— saints convert the ideas of virtue into action. The third part would be the comparison between Fang Zhong-cheng and Fang Tung-shu. Fang Zong-cheng turns to a more practical point, unlike Fang Tung-shu, who is critical of Hang Learning and Xin Learning in order to defend Cheng-Zhu in the main stream Chien-Jia study. To sum up, Fang Xong-cheng transforms Confucianism into a discourse emphasizing more on the moral practice in the period of Dao-Xian.
起訖頁 219-250
關鍵詞 方宗誠方東樹程朱理學晚清理學清代學術Fang Zong-chengFang Tung-shuCheng-Zhu ConfucianismNeoConfucianism of Late Qing Dynastyacademic history in Qing Dynasty
刊名 政大中文學報  
期數 201612 (26期)
出版單位 國立政治大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 想像與嫁接──荀子傳經系統的建構與問題
該期刊-下一篇 鄭用錫詩歌特色重探




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