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River Engineering, Rays of Light and Visual Limitations: On Scenic Descriptions in The Travels of Lao Can
作者 許暉林
Prior to The Travels of Lao Can, a novel by Liu E, Chinese vernacular novels did not pay much attention on descriptions of natural scenery or landscape. Instead, they used set phrases and rhymed verses borrowed from prior literary works. Differing from previous vernacular novels, The Travels of Lao Can depicts scenery in vernacular prose, a significant change symbolized in the form of language used to describe landscape. The techniques Liu E uses to describe the natural scenery are shaped by his knowledge of river engineering, optics, astronomy, and Buddhism. In this essay, I attempt to re-examine the beginning of scenery description in in the form of vernacular prose in the backdrop where global knowledge convergence took place and where Chinese intellectuals learned to reflect on the convergence and put it into practice. In The Travels of Lao Can, Liu E discards the prior techniques used by chaptered novels, which are to use quotes and poems from previous works to describe the natural scenery. His use of vernacular prose to describe landscapes is not only a breakthrough, a departure from past convention, but also marks a new way of observing nature. Most importantly, such change in the techniques used in describing landscape elucidates the role of Confucianism in the new matrix of knowledge where Liu E were being exposed to in the late Qing period.
起訖頁 75-105
關鍵詞 老殘遊記散文光線寫景視覺性The Travels of Lao Canproseray of lightlandscape descriptionvisuality
刊名 政大中文學報  
期數 201612 (26期)
出版單位 國立政治大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 重層的自我影像:抒情傳統與現代媒介
該期刊-下一篇 意象與肌理──由1930年代漢語詩明白/晦澀的論爭談起




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