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塑造工人之城:以大躍進( 1958-1961 )期間上海鄉土教材中棚戶區及其居民形象為例
Constructing the city of labor: the representation of shanty towns in the native-place textbooks during the Great-Leap-Forward movement (1958-1961)
作者 楊可倫
本研究基於大躍進時期上海市鄉土教材,將其視為中共建國後的意識形態與建設計畫的實踐 ,關注中共如何透過課程與教材設計對上海龐大的棚戶區( shanty town )進行形象重塑以反映中共建國後上海與全國的建設。中華人民共 和國的鄉土教材源自 1957 年毛澤東的課程改革宣示,迄今未曾中斷,大躍進中 鄉土教材也在當時生產與教育結合運動中得以實際操演。上海棚戶區的形成與上海的歷史脈絡有密切關係,上海除了是現代中國長期的工商業中心與全國最大都市外,由於行政管理長期分裂,建成區內工商業與居民分布相當複雜,棚戶區便是上海長期無法妥善處理的非正式聚落,雖然給了上海解放後政治運動良好的土壤與勞工來源,卻也使上海未能如大慶般成為社會主義城市的典型──個由工人和工業為主,街道與產業經過規劃的城市──因此解放後上海的城市規畫便不斷要求給予其居民穩定的就業與住宅。本文將利用社會調查與城市規畫材料作為教材外的輔助,先描述 1949 年前後棚戶區的情況與市政府的實際政策作為,接者論述上海教育當局如何在教育過程中將棚戶區的改建、新建工人住宅、林蔭大道等建設與新社會下的人民形象連結。最後,本研究將指出,在教科書中一系列規劃藍圖與建設的描寫中,上海褪去了原先商業都市複雜的社經結構,勤奮的工人走出位於資本主義邊陲的棚戶區,並在中共的號召下將其建設為一個個井然的小區和工人住宅──透過在教育中再現實存的地景,給予其讀者凝視城市在社會主義下的新生。
Constructing the city of labor: the representation of shanty towns in thenative-place textbooks during the Great-Leap-Forward movement (1958-1961)Shantytowns in Shanghai was a historical heritage since treaty ports appeared in China.Modern industry and commerce system turned Shanghai into the largest city in eastAsia, but western settlements split the governance of city. Low-income labors andshanty towns spread around western settlements. After the liberation of Shanghai, therenovation and restructuration of these unofficial labor settlements became thepractice of CCP's ideology and urban policies. In1958, the first edition of native-place textbooks was published by thecountry-wide instruction from central government, but the curriculum and teachingmaterials were designed by local government. These materials provide us anopportunity to observe the implementation and propagation on urban plan of localgovernment during the Great-Leap-Forward movement. Unlike other teachingmaterials, native-place textbooks represented a familiar image of students' hometown,the transformation in Shanghai after liberation and the vision after theGreat-Leap-Forward movement are the main ideas in teaching materials. Therenovation of shanty towns from shanties to boulevards also symbolized thecommunist government not only reconstructed the street blocks, but also reshape thesociety structure. The discourse in teaching materials connected the 'awaken' of labor form theawful living situation to brand-new workers' residential zones. The blueprints intextbooks weaved Shanghai from a metropolis of imperialism and capitalism into awell-planned socialist city. Stories about the renovation of shanty towns innative-place textbooks became the first chapter of this new narrative. Throughlearning these materials and join other activities during the Great-Leap-Forwardmovement, students gazed the transformation of landscape -- shanty towns and otherobjects in city represented the new birth under socialist rule.
起訖頁 129-152
關鍵詞 大躍進鄉土教材棚戶區城市書寫上海教育the Great-Leap-Forward movementnative-place textbookshanty townscity writingShanghai education
刊名 史匯  
期數 201212 (16期)
出版單位 國立中央大學歷史研究所
該期刊-上一篇 金耀基對中國政治現代化的研究
該期刊-下一篇 中華民國與沙烏地阿拉伯王國建交歷程




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