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An Examination of Gong An Bu 公案簿 , A Historical Source of Overseas Chinese KongKoan in Batavia, Dutch East Indies
作者 邱炫煜
近十餘年來,透過海峽兩岸、荷蘭、法國、日本、印尼等跨國學者與學術機構的共同努力之下,打開了塵封百年的印尼雅加達華人公館檔案神秘面紗。這批涵蓋印尼華僑 18 世紀以來近兩百年的檔案,總計約有一千卷抄本、手稿,絕大 部分是以閩南方言,間以部分荷蘭語、馬來語詞彙記載而成的特殊歷史文獻。其中有部分珍貴檔案,如吧城華人公館(吧國公堂)《公案簿》,是近年來在印尼雅加達發現的 18 到 20 世紀當地華僑社區的歷史檔案之一,內容是有關華人 半自治機構審理華僑社區民事糾紛案件的紀錄,對荷印時期以來的印尼華僑華人史研究是非常有價值的檔案資料。本文之作,一方面有鑑於許多青年學子對於海外華人的檔案所知仍然極為有限,因此,擬就此ㄧ檔案已經陸續整理出版的《公案簿》內容性質與史料價值加以評析與介紹,希望在臺灣也能有更多以此叢書為資料基礎的研究論文問世;一方面就近年來知見有關此一課題的研究成果進行回顧與展望。全文除了前言與結論之外,先介紹吧城華人公館檔案的概況;接著針對吧城華人公館檔案已出版的一系列《公案簿》叢書的內容特色作分析;再就以《公案簿》為資料基礎的現行研究情況與史料價值進行評析;此外,參考文獻部分,另將近年所蒐集與知見的相關書目資訊附誌於後,俾便學術同行或後進參考。
Through transnational cooperation by scholars and academic institutes amongTaiwan, Mainland China, the Netherlands, France, Japan as well as Indonesia formore than ten years revealed the secrets of the archives of Overseas Chinese KongKoan in Batavia, Dutch East Indies, which cover more than 1,000 manuscripts writtenin Hakka dialects, partly in Dutch language and Bahasa Melayu describing Chinesecommunities in Indonesia for over two hundred years since eighteenth century. Among these valuable sources, Gong An Bu of the Batavian Kong Koan is one of the important sources of Chinese communities the eighteenth to twentieth centuries innowadays Jakarta, Indonesia, which describes semi-autonomous institutions dealingwith civic dispute resolutions and, of course, it constitutes one of the most importantsources in the study of Chinese communities in the Dutch East Indies. The author tries to briefly introduce the current collections of archives ofOverseas Chinese Kong Koan in Batavia, which is followed by analyzing the contentsof the newly published series of Gong An Bu . Besides, the author assesses the previous studies based upon Gong An Bu and also provides most recently bibliographical information in order to facilitate and promote further research on thissubject.
起訖頁 31-48
關鍵詞 荷印吧城華人公館公案簿印尼華人Dutch IndiesKong Koan in BataviaGong An BuChinese in Indonesia
刊名 史匯  
期數 201212 (16期)
出版單位 國立中央大學歷史研究所
該期刊-上一篇 書法「形式」與「內容」再詮釋──以帖派「經典」形成史觀為主軸
該期刊-下一篇 明初山東養馬政策之研究




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