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Japanese Colonial Period
作者 楊東叡
In the Japanese colonial period, Taiwan Sōtokufu conducted the old manners and custom survey. Taiwan’s divinational culture, as a heritage of the custom of the Qing Dynasty, came from two directions. The first one was a custom that was brought into Taiwan by the early immigrants and the second was the one that mixed with local custom. The Qing Dynasty had a harsh law to prohibit those divinational activities but could not put down those activities. The survey of the Japanese government reflects the deep-rooted nature of divinational custom in Taiwan. Taiwan’s divinational culture can be divided into three categories. The first is a kind of natural sign which reveals divinational message. The second receives their message from divinational tools, such as holy gao and holy lot. The third relies on the spokesman to be played by witch or wizard. The supernatural being can transmit their message from this middleman. Warlock have created a set of divinational technique for their service through the classics of the Ying-Yang and Five Elements. Japan’s government considered Taiwan’s traditional divination as a kind of superstition without any basis of science. However, intellectuals in Taiwan held two different viewpoints toward divinational culture. Traditional intellectuals considered divinational culture as a method to transmit heritage of ancient culture. As for the new intellectuals, they had a sense of mission of enlightening the people and therefore held a critical attitude toward the traditional divination.
起訖頁 149-171
關鍵詞 占卜巫覡術士知識份子臺灣總督府DivinationWitch or WizardWarlockIntellectualsTaiwan Sōtokufu
刊名 史匯  
期數 201112 (15期)
出版單位 國立中央大學歷史研究所
該期刊-上一篇 一九四九年前後永灝輪修理情況之述評
該期刊-下一篇 評介黃紹恆著《臺灣經濟史中的臺灣總督府 施政權限、經濟學與史料》




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