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The Determination of the Optimal Flower Distribution in Taiwan : With A Discussion on Feasibility of Implementing the Remote Auction System
作者 李宗儒 (Tzong-Ru Lee)
The purpose of this research is to build a mathematical model. The model is designed to determine the optimal bunch of flowers to be shipped from each wholesale market to each county in Taiwan flower industry. The objective of this mathematical model is to maximize the income of the whole Taiwan flower industry. The factors considered in this research include: auction price, logistics cost, supply and demand quantity of each type of flower in each county. The result shows that each flower wholesale market has a very clear position (e.g., Taichung flower wholesale market is a local market, mainly, serving Taichung county). Also, in the optimal solution, suppliers of each flower wholesale market will be located in several counties only. But, buyers may come from different counties in Taiwan, The contribution of this paper are twofolds. One is to provide the optimal decision in terms of how many bunches of flowers suppliers in a county should ship from his county to another one. The other is to know the situation of demand and supply quantities. For example, the domestic supply of Flamingo Flower (FF) is insufficient. Therefore, we know we need to import FF from other countries. Also, in this paper, we discuss the feasibility of implementing the optimal result of the mathematical model in remote auction system.
起訖頁 109-136
關鍵詞 花卉產業遠端拍賣制度運銷量數學規劃模式花卉批發市場flower industryremote video auctionlogisticsmathematical programming modelflower wholesale market
刊名 農業經濟叢刊  
期數 199812 (4:1期)
出版單位 臺灣農村經濟學會
該期刊-上一篇 中國大陸農村經濟發展區域差異之研究




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