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The Transaction Cost Analysis of Physical Products in “Clicks and Bricks” Models
作者 耿慶瑞江啓先曾瓊緯
Past studies regarding channel strategy almost through the manufacturer view, they thought that there is complete substitution among channels, and consumers just can choose one channel style when they purchase in every decision process. But actually consumers choose the purchase channel base on the property of product and channel. Therefore, there are many combination of different channels in every consumer decision process. For the reasons above, this study used the product property as the moderator variable to investigate the channel modle be choosed probably when consumer do the purchase. Finally, this study will infer the best channel combinations of search goods and experience goods according to the consumer’s transaction cost. The research method of this study is laboratory experiment, then choose a watch as the search goods and a notebook as the experience goods. The six consumer decision process of this study include: search, alternative evaluation, product on trial, order, payment and ship. Then we take the two channel type (on-line channel and traditional channel) to be permuted as eight channel combination. The result of experiment is: The transaction cost is low when consumer order the search good on line, but choose the traditional channel to test product, pay and ship because of risk consideration. In the other hand, the transaction cost is low when consumer purchase the experience good which the product attribution can not be confirm easily, they choose traditional channel in all purchase stage cause of the convenient environment in Taiwan.
起訖頁 99-121
關鍵詞 電子商務通路整合消費者行為交易成本Interactive Marketing TechnologyInteractivityLevel of InteractivityReengineeringCustomer Service
刊名 電子商務研究  
期數 200506 (3:2期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學資訊管理研究所
該期刊-下一篇 企業電子化階段及其進展歷程之研究




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