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A Framework to Evaluate n-Tier Architecture ERP systems
A Framework to Evaluate n-Tier Architecture ERP systems
作者 Hua-Yang Lin (Hua-Yang Lin)Ping-Yu Hsu (Ping-Yu Hsu)
ERP systems are information systems that support the integration of value-added processes of enterprises. Based on the concept of modular structures, n-tier client/server architecture and centralized databases, numerous ERP systems have been developed in the market. The vast number of ERP products available has given users the chances to select suitable products for implementation. However, the lack of evaluation framework has made the selection process difficult. In this paper, a framework for analyzing and distinguishing ERP systems based on IT attributes is proposed. This design of the framework is based on client/server architecture, browser based computing, system integration standards and business enabling features. The framework includes 61 attributes and thus allows it to differentiate large number of software. Major ERP systems sold in the greater China area are evaluated with the framework to evaluate the discriminating capability of the framework. The result implies that the framework can reasonably discriminate major ERP systems.
起訖頁 79-96
關鍵詞 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)n-Tier ArchitectureSoftware ClassificationCluster Analysis
刊名 電子商務研究  
期數 200503 (3:1期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學資訊管理研究所
該期刊-上一篇 Using Mobile Communication Technology to Improve Automobile Consumers’ Values - A Location Based Commerce Case Study of Taiwan Yulon Nissan’s TOBE Service




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