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Using Mobile Communication Technology to Improve Automobile Consumers’ Values - A Location Based Commerce Case Study of Taiwan Yulon Nissan’s TOBE Service
Using Mobile Communication Technology to Improve Automobile Consumers’ Values - A Location Based Commerce Case Study of Taiwan Yulon Nissan’s TOBE Service
作者 Kuang-Hui Chiu (Kuang-Hui Chiu)Wen-Chang Fang (Wen-Chang Fang)Chih-Chien Wang (Chih-Chien Wang)
This study introduced a location based commerce case study of Taiwan Yulon-Nissan’s TOBE® service. The TOBE, a brand new service platform for car drivers, is an innovative concept launched by Yulon-Nissan Motor Taiwan. The TOBE could provide car drivers useful services and instant messages enabled by mobile telecommunication and information technology including Global Positioning System (GPS), Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), Short Messages Service (SMS) of GSM mobile phone, in-car computer, database, and other information technology. The TOBE service platforms include four parts, an information counter, a life counter, a traffic counter, and an e-interface set. The information counter provides real-time information includes news, weather report, etc. The life counter gives discounts messages and valet order service such as on-line shopping for souvenirs, flight and hotel reservation … etc for daily life. The traffic counter provides scenic spot messages, roadway guide, exceeding the speed limit alarm, and tow-away alarms with the help of GPS. The e-interface set installed in the car includes an integrated GSM mobile module, an intelligent rear-view mirror and liquid crystal display (LCD) screen, and short-cut dial buttons on the driving wheel or audio panel. The e-interface set automatically provides anti-theft notice and collision report. This case study will introduce the TOBE and analyze the strategy implication of this innovation. The possibility of imitation of competitive rivals and the sustaining of competitive advantage bring by TOBE would also be discussed.
起訖頁 57-77
關鍵詞 Mobile CommerceLocation Based CommerceMobile Information TechnologyMobile Telecommunication TechnologyGlobal System for Mobile Communications (GSM)Global Positioning System (GPS)Automobiles
刊名 電子商務研究  
期數 200503 (3:1期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學資訊管理研究所
該期刊-上一篇 Efficiently Mining Frequent Closed Itemsets by Eliminating Data Redundancies
該期刊-下一篇 A Framework to Evaluate n-Tier Architecture ERP systems




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