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Cities ecology trace- Revisited the historical characteristics of Taiwan's traditional urban space
作者 林栢年
The formation of the city, is the human quest for a more comfortable, convenient and safe living conditions to meet the demand, and choose to trade, to live together the environment; urban ecology and development, with a "transaction, mutually beneficial, symbiotic" the essence; therefore, human civilization progress also through the exchange of experience and wisdom. Through the Explore the city essence, and humanities and social-economic development of urban development, natural eco-development live human geography, spatial and temporal evolution of the causal development, access to forms of urban development ecological evolution of features, functions and properties, historical characteristics of the organic law of development, re-examine some problems of the Taiwan with China's urban history. Therefore, to clarify and interpret some misunderstanding and mystery of the Taiwan's city development. The main content in order, is: 1. The necessary to explore the essence of the city, meaning and truth of urban ecological evolution; 2 Four Steps of Taiwan's traditional city development and evolution: "Street rise, street build a temple, the governing official, building walls," is a causal of law. Thus fundamentally affect the characteristics and spatial structure of Taiwan's traditional city; 3. Taiwan's traditional city street traffic shape and spatial structure, is an organic form of eco-development, and thus formed the characteristics of the city center position; 4. The original functions and urban governance of Taiwan's traditional city, and historical karma of traditional Taiwanese "democratic city". 5. In conclusion, emphasized the need and methods to scientific point of view, to explore the traditional and historical evolution of urban space.
起訖頁 47-83
關鍵詞 臺灣城市歷史城市形態演變城市空間結構市街交通民主城市Taiwan city historyurban morphology evolution of urban spatial structurecity street trafficDemocratic city
刊名 文資學報  
期數 201512 (9期)
出版單位 國立臺北藝術大學文化資源學院
該期刊-上一篇 古物類文物資產的研究與管理──從「古物」的「系列性」看「組(件)」數的登錄
該期刊-下一篇 生活的展示:生活物件與生活方式




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