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The Seriality of Antiques: A study on the Research and Management of the Cultural Heritage from the Perspective of the Quantity of Antique "Sets (pieces)"
作者 劉怡蘋
The antique registration and designation in Taiwan are notable results of the efforts by the competent authorities for antiques in different levels in integrating "academic research," "administration," and "cultural heritage values." For the purpose, the competent authorities have also established theoretical frameworks, methodologies, and research methods, although there are still plenty of rooms for further improvement and development. Among the 1,317 sets (11,991 pieces) of antiques registered and designated in Taiwan, only 104 of them are registered as "multiple-piece sets" if excluding "books and documents" such as ancient rare books and historical documents, etc. All the rest are listed as "one-piece sets." Nevertheless, a comparison of public declarations, government databases, and related documents of antiques reveals that there are errors in identifying these "multiple-piece sets" and "one-piece sets." The problem might arise from the "singular point of view" in interpreting the relations between the antiques and their consisting parts. This study attempts to point out relevant agencies' understanding and grasp on the characters and attributes, history, and scope of antiques through an examination and discussion on antique "sets (pieces)," a measurement unit the government uses to indicate the quantity of antiques. In addition, it defines typical characters of "one-piece set" and "multiple-piece set" respectively, while at the same time it clarifies the meaning and function of "set" and "piece" to diminish the gap between academic inertia and administration. Furthermore, it identifies three types of "seriality" by the relations among the consisting parts and that between the parts and the theme of a "multiple-piece set" antique. In comparison to the "seriality" of the "one-piece set" antique, these three types of sequence better illustrate how people’s mental activities such as symbolization references today and in the past affect the categorization and re-categorization of antique objects. Through conceptualizing and theorizing the antique "set (piece)," this study expects to establish an effective identification principle and a "plural point of view" in hope that more important artifacts with complex sequences, which are not small in numbers, can finally be "seen" and given more attentions.
起訖頁 1-46
關鍵詞 文化資產保存法古物系列性藝術史學研究方法總清冊(法國文物普查制度)Cultural Heritage Preservation Actantiquesserialityresearch methods of art historyInventaire Général
刊名 文資學報  
期數 201512 (9期)
出版單位 國立臺北藝術大學文化資源學院
該期刊-下一篇 城市生態的足跡--重探臺灣傳統城市空間的歷史特徵




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