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Health Fitness Learning and Knowledge Construction in Social Networking Context: A Case of Facebook Social Media Intervention
作者 戚栩僊葉乃靜
Due to a concern about the health fitness education for college students, the study explores the educational utility of Facebook as a health communication platform. In line with the Community of Inquiry model in higher education, the core premise of utilizing Facebook for communication and education purpose lies in the online learning presence it supports. With its built-in social utility applications, Facebook can present an online environment that integrates social, teaching, and cognitive presence for learning inquiry. A Facebook learning intervention was designed on the basis of higher education and online communication theories. A Facebook page was built to provide health fitness-related information, and to promote community connection, interaction, and social discourse. The study then focuses its investigation on student participants’ learning experiences and knowledge construction processes on the intervention Facebook page. The study adopts the experience sampling method, and uses journal reporting as data collection tools. Participants’ experiences and processing of the intervention page have been subject to both qualitative and quantitative analyses. The findings suggest that Facebook utilized as a platform for communication and education purpose may have its own merits. Specifically, with its social networking contextual features, Facebook may foster reflexivity and facilitate metacognition in cognitive learning, and motivate health fitness-related behaviors and collaboration. The learning experiences generated on the intervention Facebook page, both cognitive and behavioral, are critical in the construction of health fitness knowledge.
起訖頁 151-194
關鍵詞 健康體適能質詢社群模組學習介入社交網聯知識建構Health Fitnesscommunity of inquirylearning interventionsocial networkingknowledge construction
刊名 資訊社會研究  
期數 201701 (32期)
出版單位 南華大學社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 你怎麼加臉書「好友」?連結策略與感知社會支持及心理幸福感的關聯性




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