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How do You Connect on Facebook? The Associations of Facebook Connection Strategies with Perceived Social Support and Psychological Well-being
作者 林日璇
Using the national-representative sample from the 2014 Taiwan National Communication Survey, this study investigated associations between four connection strategies on Facebook and users’ perceived social support, and the effects of connections strategies on users’ Facebook and offline psychological well-being among adults who are 18 and older. Adults mostly use Facebook to maintain their current network, and seek social information of those they are interested in. The results also indicated that different connection strategies are positively associated with sense of belonging in Facebook, perceived self-worth resulted in Facebook use, and perceived popularity on Facebook among adult users. The author examined two new strategies in this study, which are “initiating strong ties” and “expanding networks” strategies. The results showed that among the four connection strategies, initiating strong ties strategy had the strongest effect on Facebook belongingness, but did not have associations with perceived Facebook popularity. Expanding networks strategy had the strongest and positive effect on perceived Facebook popularity. Maintaining and social information seeking strategies positively affected users’ offline life satisfaction through perceived social support. Current literature employed Facebook use as a single construct, and this study focused on connection strategies on Facebook and found nuances of influences to contribute to the literature. In addition, the national representative sample expanded the research scope from college students in previous literature, and further examined the influences of Facebook and offline psychological well-being.
起訖頁 113-149
關鍵詞 臉書社群媒體成人社交連結策略心理幸福感生活滿意度digital Facebooksocial mediaadultssocial connection strategieswell-beinglife satisfaction
刊名 資訊社會研究  
期數 201701 (32期)
出版單位 南華大學社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 社交媒體政治性使用行為與公民參與之研究
該期刊-下一篇 社交網聯情境下的健康體適能學習與知識建構——臉書社群媒體介入研究




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