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The “heavie writ of outlawry”: Community and the Transformation of Popular Culture from Early Modern Customary Drama to Anthony Munday’s Robin Hood Plays
The “heavie writ of outlawry”: Community and the Transformation of Popular Culture from Early Modern Customary Drama to Anthony Munday’s Robin Hood Plays
作者 Jennifer Reid (Jennifer Reid)
The medieval Robin Hood ballads and the Robin Hood games of early modern festal customs are both inextricably bound up with ideas of community and companionship. The “performative turn” in recent scholarship reminds us that the combats and contests of both the ballads and the folk games are a central part of early modern customary drama, and such amicable feats of strength and competition add to both the community spirit and the improvisational nature of such calendar customs. Although Anthony Munday’s adaptation of the Robin Hood legend for the Elizabethan stage necessarily recasts this material significantly, Munday at the same time experiments with the thematic and dramatic forms of the earlier tradition. I argue that like other playwrights at the Rose engaged in experiments in popular theatre, Munday attempted an innovative reworking of popular material which engaged with his audience’s expectations, not to appropriate Robin Hood, but to recreate his legend afresh.
起訖頁 69-91
關鍵詞 Robin HoodAnthony Mundaypopular culturecalendar customsperformance theory
刊名 文山評論:文學與文化  
期數 201706 (10:2期)
出版單位 國立政治大學英國語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 Irish and Ukrainian Famines: Literary Images, Historical Memory and Aesthetic Emotions
該期刊-下一篇 Between Longing and Rejection: Antonio Lobo Antunes and Chaim Potok




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