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華人前瞻研究 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

A Study of Information Resources and Reliability to Complain Behaviors
作者 許瑞娟
本研究採用多元層級迴歸法(hierarchical multiple regression)進行資料分析消費資訊來源與來源可信度對消費者購後行為均可能有影響效果,探討消費資訊來源與來源可信度對不滿意消費者抱怨行為的影響。同時釐清來源可信度又如何干擾消費資訊來源對不滿意消費者的抱怨行為。本研究是透過便利抽樣法進行調查,請受訪對象就過去印象最為深刻的不愉快消費經驗,以回憶的方式進行作答。結果發現消費者消費時的資訊來源參考程度與來源可信程度呈正相關;消費者消費前資訊來源參考程度,將對其後不滿意消費經歷抱怨行為產生影響;當消費者消費前資訊來源參考程度愈高時,其將增強整體的抱怨行為傾向,以及私下抱怨行為與潛在抱怨行為;資訊來源可信度高低,將對消費資訊來源與抱怨行為間關係產生干擾,分別與消費者抱怨行為傾向,以及公開抱怨行為間之關係將產生負向干擾效果。
This research was surveyed by convenience sampling. Respondents recalled an impressive unpleasant experience of consumption to fill out the questionnaire. In terms of data analysis, the factor analysis is used to extract three dimensions of customer complaint behaviors, and could be rename them as "public complaint behavior intention", "private complaint behavior intention" and "potentially complaint behavior intention". Secondly, to assume by One-way ANOVA and Multiple Regression. The research results were as a.Consumption information source was positively related to source credibility; b.After unsatisfied purchasing experience, the more consumption information source was, the more complaint behavior intention, as well as the more privately complaining and potentially complaining responses; c.Source credibility had interfere effect on consumption information source, the more source credibility is, the weaker complaints responses and the less complaints in public.
起訖頁 59-71
關鍵詞 資訊來源來源可信度消費者抱怨行為Information SourceSource CredibilityCustomer Complaint Behaviors
刊名 華人前瞻研究  
期數 201705 (13:1期)
出版單位 南洋文化學會
該期刊-上一篇 獨立董事執行業務功能之探討
該期刊-下一篇 農會放款關鍵性策略因素之研究




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